Saturday, March 12, 2011


It is raining today.  Yesterday, we had passing showers, but today it is raining sheets and sheets of rain.  The rain is cascading down the windows, and drumming on the corrugated tin roof of our little apartment with a thunderous roar.  I am sure if it keeps this up, I will get quite cranky about it.  But today, the rain makes me happy.  I have this big giant "can't wipe it off my face" kind of smile.  It is the kind of rain that makes you want to run out and splash in puddles.  I am not sure why the rain is eliciting these feelings of happiness, but it is.  


  1. Its because you're in that cute little place looking at rain on the water and RELAXING. We too have rain, but it is cold and I only have the truck, which has no working windshield wipers, which makes it HARD to drive. :)
    Love you,

  2. Rain usually elicits the same feelings, especially if I can listen to it from inside a snug house or it's warm enough to dance in. :)
